Your Accomodation

We understand your need for decent accommodation. Our team constantly strives to make your stay comfortable. Hope to see you at QUARK 2018 and will be more than happy if you would be a part of it.

Limited accommodation is available for 1200/- for 3 Nights and 1400/- for 4 nights per person. 3 day accommodation is from 9th afternoon/evening till 12th Morning. 4 day accommodation is from 8th afternoon/evening till 12th Morning. If a participant is paying for accommodation, then he/she doesn’t need to pay for events/nights; it is included.

General Instructions

1. Accommodation may be provided in the campus or off campus from 5:00 pm on 8th FEB 2018. You are required to vacate the room on or before 12th FEB 12:00pm .

2. Accommodation will be provided on sharing basis in common rooms/dormitories.

3. Food is not included in the accommodation fee. We have cafeteria and food stalls serving a variety of cuisines, from which you can choose.

4. We will be providing mattresses, buckets and mugs only. Locks, blankets and other things (which you may require) should be brought by participants themselves.

5. Students who are accommodated in campus should return to campus by 10:30 PM at any circumstances. No one is allowed to enter campus after 10:30 PM

6. QUARK team will not take any responsibility of any theft or mishaps. So participants are requested to take care of their belongings.

7. Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sharp objects and explosives of any kind are strictly prohibited inside the campus. The decision of security team will be final in case of any disputes.

8. Participants who are found drunk will not be allowed to enter the campus.

9. Male participants/visitors are not allowed to enter girl’s hostels (CH-4 & CH-7) and Female participants/visitors should not enter boy’s hostels.

10. Participants are not allowed to lock the common rooms, as they will be sharing the room with other participants.

Further Instructions to Follow during the Fest

1. There will be a routine checkup of the luggage of the participants at the gate and the participants should collect ’Registration Pass’ from the Surveillance department before coming to the accommodation desk.

2. At the accommodation desk, you will be given accommodation slips necessary to be allowed into the common rooms.

3. All students must carry their valid college photo ID card and should be shown on request during the registration procedure.

4. Random checks would be made to avoid any illegal stay in the campus. Any team failing to show their receipts of accommodation would be fined heavily and disqualified.

5. Smoking, Gambling, Alcohol consumption, use of drugs and other illegal substances is strictly prohibited.

6. No outside vehicles will be allowed into the campus during the QUARK-2017.