Android! 5 years ago, on hearing the word, one would probably imagine a movie like ‘I Robot’ and develop an image of a really complicated humanoid in his/her mind. But now, the only thing that comes to mind with the mention of ‘Android’ is an operating system that has revolutionized the world of smartphones! The very basic reason behind its success is the variety of applications that can be developed for it due to its open-source nature. One phone can replace a variety of gadgets in the house, from a small torch, to remote controls and what not! The event Applification allows you to make a contribution to this store of applications and unleash your creativity and programming skills by making an app, however simple it might be!
- Entertainment
- Game
Teams who choose to design their app based on entertainment have to incorporate any one of the following features in their app
- Google Cloud Messaging Service(GCM)
- Custom Media Player
- Live Streaming of Videos
- A feed reader (could be any entertainment channel or newspaper)
You have to mail your app/code to [email protected]
- The deadline for GUI submissioon round has been extended to 25th December
- You will receive updates via mail/the website.
- You must target the Android 2.3 Platform.
- The app may be phone or tablet only or both.
- You may also use supporting resources for your app – for instance a website, a mail server or the cloud. That being said, your app must be a prominent part of the entire scheme.
- Further elaboration on the theme is provided at the end of this document
- Teams selected from the prototype round, kindly make arrangements to reach the campus as you are selected for the final round too.
The entire competition consists of the following rounds:
GUI Submission Stage
- You have to submit the functional GUI of your application with atleast a few of the features of your app implemented (you choose which features you want to implement at this stage).
- At this point teams also have to upload their project codes for the judges to get a better understanding of the team’s app.
Prototype Submission (2 Stages of Submission)
- First complete prototype (Known bugs must be documented)
- Teams selected after this round qualify for the final round too.
Popularity Round
- Here you will be given a medium (either on android market or our own site) to gather votes, downloads and comments from your users. Their feedback and the popularity of your app will be factored in, in the final judgment
- This time is best utilized to understand your target audience and make refinements to your application
- You may still make changes to your app at this point (adding new features) but the app should still keep in line with the theme
Final Presentation
- This will be an on-campus round where you will be given a time slot to present your entire business idea and a working app.
- The judges and other participants will have an opportunity to question you after your presentation.
Note: You may choose to mention a feature and implement it in the future, but you should be able to convince the judges of your ability to do so at the final presentation (possibly by a partial implementation or implementation of a similar feature).
- Every team has to register online on our website for the competition. A registration number will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references.
- A team can register at any point of time before the submission deadline for the first round (20th December).
- The decision of judges shall be treated as final and binding on all.
- Note that at any point of time the latest information will be that which is on the site. The information provided in the PDFs downloaded earlier may not be the latest. However, registered participants will be informed through mail about any changes on the site.
- By submitting content (any digital material) to us, you assert that you have the right to do so and consent to us displaying the same material for the purposes of this competition.
- Copying of applications in the public domain (ex: Internet) not made by you and submitting as an entry will lead to disqualification of the team
- The organizers and the judges may exercise their rights to add/modify the above rules to make sure the competition is fair.
Team Specifications:
Minimum : 1 membersMaximum : 3 members
Judging Criteria
The app will be judged on the following criteria (not in any particular order)
User Interface : Simple, unobtrusive and easy-to-use UI.
Features : Utility and interactivity are the corner stones.
Creativity of solution : Innovation and Relevance to the theme
Revenue Model : The efficacy of the money earning model they propose.
Slide Deck for the first round - http://bit.ly/slideDeck
The following books or similar ones are available on the public domain, google them, else
use the following links -
Android App Development - Rick Rogers - O’Reily
Professional Android 2 App Development - Reto Meier
Hello Android Edition 3 - Ed Burnette - Pragmatic
Android for Work Productivity for Professionals - Marziah Karch - Apress
More resources will be posted as the competition proceeds
Rishabh Makharia
Event Manager
+91 9561749476
Mayank Mehra
Event Manager
+91 7709790237
Ravi Garg
Event Manager
Kunal Bajpai
Deputy Event Manager
+91 9423174875
Nisarg Thakkar
Deputy Event Manager
+91 9833593551