Is it in you to plug in ICs and wires and make it a working circuit? Do more of your LEDs glow than blow?
Then this event's surely for you-
A challenge of time. A battle of coordination. A zeitgeist of skill.
Presenting DigiLogica - An event that tests your knowledge in the world of Digital Electronics. The challenge is to solve problems thrown at you - first with just pen and paper and later real-time with breadboards, IC's and wires.
Update: The online elimination round will be up on 17th December 2012 and will be available till 31st December. The instruction set for the same will be sent to registered mail account.
So come unlock this digital labyrinth and claim exciting prizes! Do not miss this opportunity, where it is all about winning.
Description of the rounds:
The event has 3 rounds each of which gives contestants the chance to earn virtual money. The first one is online round, while the second and third rounds are circuit design based.
Round 1 - In this online preliminary round, a set of objective and subjective questions will be given to the teams, with a certain amount of associated virtual money. The questions will be aimed at testing basic electronics knowledge of the participants. Time limit and instructions will be given along with the problem set. Based on the score in this round, top teams will be selected to the second on-campus round.
Online Round will start from 17th December and will be available for 2-3 weeks for the convenience of the participants. Contestants will be allowed only one attempt at the online quiz.
Round 2 –Welcome to the binary world! It is an on the spot event spanning 3 hours which tests analytical skills, time management and optimization. Participants start the event with a certain amount of money which they will use to buy ICs from us, the cost of which increases as time passes. Contestants who submit a working circuit will be awarded a certain amount of money according to how early they submit. Truth tables and pin outs of all logic gates will be provided hence eliminating need for prior knowledge. Top teams will be qualify for the final round.
Round 3 – Details of the final round round will be conveyed to the contestants at a later date.
The final amount in the virtual bank account will be used to decide the winner.
*These rules are subject to change. Any change in rules will be notified through the website. Participants are requested to keep themselves updated.
- All hardware required for the event will be provided by the organizers.
- No IC which has more than 32 pins is allowed.
- For Round 2 only basic logic gate ICs can be used.
- For Round 3 only basic electronic components like op-amps, transistors, resistors, capacitors will be permitted.
- The voltage value at any node or current value at any node in the circuit can be used as output.
- Participants will not be allowed to access the internet while the event is in progress.
All students with a valid identity card of their respective educational institutes are eligible to participate in the event.
Certification Policy:
1. The top two teams will be awarded Certificate of Merit.
2. The next three teams will be awarded Certificate of Excellence.
3. All the remaining teams selected for the second round shall be be awarded Certificate of Participation.
Team Specifications:
Minimum : 1 membersMaximum : 3 members
Judging Criteria
For round 2:
1. Design parameters viz gate delays, propagation length, power dissipation etc.
2. No of ICs used.
3. Details of the circuit implemented by the participating team and clarity of explanation provided.
For round 3:
1. Design complexity (should be as simple as possible)
2. Algorithm used to solve the problem(s).
In case of tie in the final tally, 3rd round score will be compared and if the tie still exist, 2nd and 1st will be compared respectively. The same technique will be used to resolve ties in the qualifying rounds also.
If you have any query, please send an e-mail to [email protected], or get in touch with any one of us:
Shashank Subramanya Pallavi Nema Shridevi Muthkhod
+919421350823 +918888964785 +918793291180
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]