A successful manager is one who saves his company from sinking during a crisis and converts the adversity into opportunity. Do you have what it takes to keep a company afloat when confronted by a problem and then lead it to the pinnacle of its success?
Intellect-The Case Study Contest gives you an opportunity to prove your Managerial skills and Critical Thinking when challenged with a real life corporate problem. Basic knowledge of finance and accounting are required for this event.
Get ready to challenge the sharpest aspiring managers of the country in the toughest of situations, with your crisis management instincts, and finance and accounting acumen.
Case studies have been uploaded. Please refer to details section to download the case studies.
Participants will be required to present a solution to a case study problem of a fictitious company, based on their corporate technical knowledge and ability to apply it into the practical world.
Round 1
Round 1 will invite solutions to the case study problems online. Please note that two cases are provided and the participants are given a choice to submit their solutions to any one of these.
Please click on the following links to download the case studies:
Entries should be submitted to [email protected] by 5th January, 2013.
Round 2
Selected teams entering Round 2 will be asked to give a presentation of their solution to a panel of judges comprising financial experts followed by a question and answer session between the judges and the participants.
So get ready to step into the shoes of a manager and compete against the finest finance zealots of the country!
Participants are required to carry a valid college-identification proof.
The participants should take a note that they are not allowed to forward or share the links or the pdfs of the case study with anyone else and it would be a violation. Anyone found doing so will be immediately disqualified.
The team name, college name, members and contact details should be mentioned on the cover page of the report.
Report Specifications:
Page limit is 5.
Font type – Times New Roman ; Font size – 12
Line spacing should be 1.5
Text should be left-aligned
The report should be submitted in the MS Word or PDF zip file format.
Plagiarism is strictly discouraged and is grounds for rejection.
The shortlisted candidates will be called to give a presentation of their solutions before the panel of judges during QUARK.
The decision of the judges is final and binding.
Team Specifications:
Minimum : 2 membersMaximum : 4 members
Judging Criteria
There will be eliminations after the online round.
Rules for each round will be conveyed to the participants before each round.
Participants will be judged on the basis of their business acumen and on how sustainable and innovative their solution is.
The decision of the judges will be final and irrevocable.
In case of any query, please send an email to [email protected] or get in touch with any of us:
Abhishek Prabhakar
+91 - 7507 240 148
Aditya Chandak
+91 - 9421 668 977