Palm-tops and tabs are old hat. It's time to usher in the Raspberry-Pi- a PC the size of a credit card! Combine the newest computer board and a Wireless Sensor Network; and you have a window into our technological future.
Invent-O-Pi is a workshop conducted by Inventrom; which deals with the latest electronics sensation, Raspberry Pi and its applications with wireless sensor networks. For tech-geeks who want to keep up with the latest computing technologies, as well as first timers looking for expert guidance and hands-on experience to get started in the field; Invent-O-Pi is one workshop you cannot afford to miss. With its ultra low cost and smallest form factor Linux based computer, Raspberry Pi revolutionizing and intriguing the computing world. A must-attend for all those who wish not only to code, but tangibly program computers through a cutting-edge hardware interface.
Date: 2nd & 3rd February 2013.
Venue: BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus.
Contact: Jeh Lokhande : +91 9503370378
You can play online for the workshop at http://event.ayojak.com/event/
Exploring The Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Super Computer
Everything you need to know about Raspberry Pi
Voice Controlled Robot using a Raspberry Pi
Course content
Workshop on Design and Development of Raspberry Pi based systems.
DAY 1:
1. Getting started with basics:
a. Introduction to Raspberry Pi
b. Hardware Description & Interfacing Components
c. ARM 11 Microcontroller
d. Brief Introduction to Embedded Linux
2. Trying out the tools:
a. Flashing & preparing the SD card for the Raspberry Pi
b. Booting in Debian Linux
c. Hardware Interfacing of PI ( HDMI Port, Keyboard-mouse connection, 3.5mm jack, micro use power cable)
3. Playing with the OS:
a. Logging in to Raspberry Pi- Linux LX-Terminal
b. Enabling SSH( secure connection) over Raspberry Pi
c. Swapping between OS’s
d. Viewing system Information
4. Getting hang of the Raspberry Pi:
a. Debian Linux Basic & Useful commands
b. Editing system files, changing system hostname, changing log-In Info
c. Mounting devices & Transferring files
d. Installing software on Debian – Installing VNC server
e. Transferring content over SSH
f. Installing Python- Dev, Using RPi. GPIO
g. Enabling the Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins
5. Fun with GPIO
a. Hardware interfacing to the PI
-LED interfacing with Pi and controlling it over SSH
DAY 2:
1. Python:
a. Introduction to Python
b. Installing software and downloading packages
c. A look at RPI.GPIO, Wiring Pi, Python Dev and Time Libraries
d. Difference between writing programs in Python & C over a Linux Machine
e. Taking input from Sensors
f. Programming an Analog to digital converter
g. Programming a motor controller
2. Special session on Introduction to Wissap:
*This session on basics of Wissap is to be attended by only those who have not attended the WiSor workshop*
3. Projects
a. LED interfacing to Pi using RPi. GPIO and TIME. ( Python and wiring Pi Library in C)
b. LCD interfacing to PI displaying temperature over the internet.
c. Switch interfacing and interfacing input devices ( temp sensor, light sensor)
d. Controlling Robot arm over the Network.
e. Interfacing Inventrom’s Techno Board and Wisapp to Raspberry Pi.
Please Note : Each Successfully Registered team (teams of 3) is expected to bring one laptop with Windows OS (XP or windows 7) installed.
Hardware to be used for the hands-on sessions:
1. Raspberry Pi Board
2. Techno Board & Sensor Nodes: Wissap by Inventrom
3. Programmer: Zazu Wireless Programmer by Inventrom
Take away Material:
1. An 8GB memory card contacting the Raspian Wizzi Image flashed for each team
2. CD containing all the necessary software required for programming of Raspberry Pi, essential tutorials and PDF’s for every participant.
3. All the necessary documentation, header files and help files for every participant.
4. Tutorial and other relevant videos for every participant.
5. Sample Editable Codes for every participant.
6. Raspberry Pi user manuals for every participant.
7. Certificate of Participation for every participant.
Content developed in association with Inventrom Robotics
Rules and Pre-requisites
All participants having a valid ID card of their respective educational institutions are eligible for the workshop.
Pre Requisites
This is a basic level workshop , everything would be taught from scratch and hence there are no pre requisites for it.
Payment Details
The cost of the workshop is Rs 3600 per team. The maximum number of participants per team is 3.
Note : Participants can also register as teams of 3 for the two workshops WiSor and Invent-O-Pi at a reduced cost of Rs 5400/- per team
A 'Certificate of Participation’ will be awarded to all the participating students by Inventrom Robotics and Quark 2013 on successful completion of the workshop