Game Version : v6.76c or the latest Stable Map available at the time of the tournament that the organizers deem fit.
Registeration : Rs. 500 per clan
Game Version: v6.76c or the latest Stable Map available by the 31 December 2020. No changes in the version of the map will be done afterwards.
Version: Warcraft III Frozen Throne expansion set 1.26a or latest.
Competition Method: 5 vs 5.
Game Mode: Captain Mode & Observer Info (-CMOI)
Team Specifications: Minimum: 5 members
Maximum: 7 members ( including 2 substitutions).
Substitutions: Two substitute players are allowed for each team. The substitute players are not allowed to play for other teams during the course of the tournament.
Tournament Structure:
Group Stage then Knock Out rounds
Before Match:
Captain or at least one member of both teams will be contacted 20 minutes before the start of their match to communicate with the administration and the opponents. Failing to show up in the given time will lead to disqualification.
Player Names:
Each team member has to have a clan-tag as part of his name during the match.
Beginning of the Match:
# The match will begin with a coin toss and winner of the coin toss will get to choose:
# Sentinel/Scourge side of the map or
# Draft order (1st/2nd pick)
# The side that losses in the coin toss can choose the latter
During Match:
After drafting, pausing without any valid reason is not allowed. ( From this point onwards the referee should be contacted at least 3 seconds before pausing the game) Resuming the game without the other team confirming that they are ready is not allowed either. Teams that are constantly pausing or resuming to ruin the game will receive a game loss. If someone pauses the game without a valid reason will receive a warning.
# Bugs Exploitation (Warning, Game Loss or Disqualification): No Exploitation of any known old or new bug discovered during game play. No excuses will be entertained. Ignorance is not an excuse. Participants/Teams are expected to know what these bugs are. Participants/teams that experience any abnormal game play are advised to inform the marshal on duty immediately.
Definition of "bugs”:
# Anything abnormal which will give a player/team an unfair advantage.
# Anything which will cause interruption/fatal error to the game.
Match Winner:
# Completely destroy the tree or the throne of the opponents' team.
# should any team choose to concede/surrender in the midst of the game, an auto win will be awarded to the other respective team.
# should any accumulated 3 warnings in the course of the tournament, an auto win will be awarded to the other respective team.
# should any unexpected circumstances of the game happens, the final winning decision will be made by the head marshals of the tournament.
Sharing :
# Sharing of item is allowed as long as the game permits.
# Gamers not allow to suicide to pass "Divine Rapier" intentionally.
# sharing control is allowed.
Item Limitation: There is item limitation on: 2 guinsoo + 1 euls or 2 euls + 1 guinsoo max.
Backdoor: Back-dooring is not allowed
Hero Limitation: There is no hero limitation or restriction whatsoever.
Abuses & Exploitation:
# Creep Blocking (Warning or Game Loss): Creep blocking permanently is not allowed but creep slowing/delay or luring is allowed. It is not allowed to block creeps with the help of spells, such as fissure, sprout etc. it is only allowed to use the hero model to intercept with creeps (accidental blocks are okay, as long as the fissure - for example - was directed at an opposing hero).
Setup and Configuration:
•Teams will be given 5 minutes to warm up before the match officially starts.
•No non-standard game settings or third party applications that affect gameplay may be used except Warkey.
•Action will be taken at the tournament marshal’s discretion if teams being caught using either during the gameplay.
•In the event of a dispute, the tournament marshal will review the match replay and action will be taken at the tournament marshal discretion.
•The result of every match will be final if there’s no dispute 10 minutes after the game has ended.
•Participants of the tournament must be ready for their matches as teams can claim a default win if the opposing team doesn’t show up 15 minutes after the scheduled time.
Personal Equipment:
· Gamers are encouraged to bring their own gaming equipment but will be required to provide the drivers on a flash drive for installation if needed.
· The organizer will not be held responsible for any damage arising to the installation.
· The organizer will not be responsible to provide full equipment to the participants.
Team Specifications:
Minimum : 5 membersMaximum : 5 members
Judging Criteria
Sportsmanship Conduct & Bugs Exploitation:
# Gamers must report to the registration counter 20 minutes before the match. Participants who are late for more than 10 minutes will be disqualified. No dispute or whatsoever will be entertained.
# Abusive behavior towards the organizer/game marshal/ opponent team will result in a warning. No foul language and abusive/racial behavior will be tolerated in the course of the tournament.
# Bugs Exploitation: No Exploitation of any known old or new bug discovered during play. Explanations like "exploiting/activating the bug unknowingly", "we had no idea this bug existed" or similar excuses will not be entertained. Participants are required to update themselves with the latest competing tournament rules.
The following rules are subject to modification in the following aspects:
# Use of most recent patch/version release of each official game within the tournament's organizing committee's own discretion.
# Changes to in-game settings and options necessitated by the use of most recent patch version/release.
# Cheat Protection Program release and/or cheat protection functions.
# Game settings and/or operations guidelines dictated by differences between online and LAN Tournament.
Teams are responsible to check the rules on a regular basis and prior to every match to ensure they are in complete compliance. Teams must understand that rules listed are guidelines to ensure fair and competitive play and are subject to interpretation by the marshals based on the spirit of the game.
Aditya ‘THUNDER’ tripathi | [email protected]
+91 9869461193
Mihir ‘MVX’ kulkarni | [email protected]
+91 9011009155