Do you dream of becoming the torchbearer of 'Green India'? Do your grey cells contemplate a sustainable future for the nation? Do you dream of designing a low budget house for sustainable future of the nation? Then, here's the first step to materialize your ambitions.Turn an existing building into a green marvel, a prototype for upcoming green buildings. Remember,change is the way!
If you are facing any problems while registering for event please contact us at [email protected]
Round 1 (Online round)
• Contestants are suppose to modify a existing building into green building OR design a complete low budget/seasonal housing. Details of it are given below:
• Contestants must choose a well-known architecture (commercial building, institutional building, industrial building or residential building, sports ground; heritage sites not be chosen) and analyse the building in terms of its power usage and current use of renewable energy.
• The contestants are expected to prepare a list of suggestions to improve the use of the renewable energy and reduce the power consumption. They can use green building code like ECBC, GRIHA or LEED to know the ratings of your selected building in terms of design, construction and operation.
• They can include the rating used in your abstract. This round would test the contestants' understanding of the code and the building they choose.
• To get an idea of the format in which the abstract is to be submitted, refer to the resources section.
• Contestants have to design a complete low budget housing or seasonal housing.
• The contestants are expected to prepare a list of ways to use of the renewable energy and reduce the power consumption. They can use green building code like ECBC, GRIHA or LEED to know the ratings of your newly made house in terms of design, construction and operation.
• They can include the rating used in your abstract. This round would test the contestants' understanding of the code and the housing they plan to make.
• To get an idea of the format in which the abstract is to be submitted, refer to the resources section.
Round 2
The teams selected are then free to use the amount of investment they want to invest into the building but they will have save the same amount or more in time frame of 10 years by the technological, design, operational and constructional changes they have brought into the building and justify their whole investment. Modifying the building to an energy positive building will help in recovering the amount in given frame of time.
If the team has opted for designing low budget or season housing, they have to justify and explain the design of it (explain the renewable energy used, structural strength, money saved in constructing it).
Extra credits will be given to the teams who show 3D design of their modified structure.
They will be intimated about other constraints if any, related to the implementation of their proposed ideas in the existing building.The teams are then required to come up with the budgetary and feasibility analysis of the ideas they wish to implement and prepare a layout of the modified building.
Round 3
It is a surprise.
General Rules:
- For round 1, only ideas/concepts are required. Participants are not required to do any cost analysis of implementation of their ideas, nevertheless, its OK if the teams want to present some calculations to justify their concept.
- The problem can be attacked from ANY perspective. For example, sources of energy, innovative systems for air conditioning or lighting, intelligent algorithms for efficient distribution of energy, innovative methods for power monitoring and control etc…
- Details and rules regarding round 2 will be updated on the site shortly.
- More than one team from a college can participate in this event.
Abstract Submission:
- Make sure that the abstract does not cross the word limit of 1000 words.
- The abstracts should be mailed to [email protected] with the subject "sustain a build <Quark TEAM ID>". For example, if your Team ID is 1234, your subject should be "Eco-Architect 1234"
- Abstracts should be sent as PDF files ONLY. And the files should be named as "sustain a build <Quark TEAM ID>".
- Last date for submission of Round-1 abstract is 15th January , 2013.
- The abstract must address (atleast) the following points -
* Proof of Concept
* Application / application areas
* Innovation in your idea
* Conclusion (Benefits of your solution)
Certification Policy:
- All the participants who qualify to the second round will be awarded a Certificate of Participation.
- Winners and runner-ups will be awarded Certificates of Excellence and Merit respectively.
Team Specifications:
Minimum : 1 membersMaximum : 3 members
Judging Criteria
- The feasibility and extent of possible implementation.
- Cost optimization
- The generality of the solutions
- The innovative and creative techniques used to formulate the final model.
- Judging shall be based on the following parameters of the modified building
- Extent to which renewable sources of energy have been used.
- Reduction in power/material consumption.
- Impact on the immediate environment.
- Building materials used.
- Feasibility of proposed ideas.
- Cost effectiveness of the modified building.
- Adherence to the constraints imposed.
‘Green Building’ centers on the concept of ‘sustainability: the simple notion that the way of life we choose must not lead to circumstances that prevent that way of life from continuing. In order to create a building to serve that end, some basic traits need to be considered:
Low Construction Impact
Building, almost by definition, is initially a destructive act. Land usually has to be at least minimally cleared and reshaped, holes need to be dug, and material resources refashioned to serve the building. A ‘green’ building minimizes its impact on the building site and the environment at large through careful, conscious design and by utilizing replenishable materials that create a minimum of ecological destruction through their use.
The impact of a building’s construction is only part of the story. Once a building is built, people move in and use it. This human use requires environmental resources for such things as heating, cooling, water, and electricity. A ‘green’ building provides these human needs efficiently, conserving resources.
Natural resources in the form of building materials, tools, and fuels, as well as human energy and ingenuity, come together to create a building. The longer that building lasts, the longer the time before the environment is asked to give up those resources again to replace the building. Therefore, the longer a building lasts, the ‘greener’ it is.
To sustain healthy lives, we need to sustain a healthy indoor and outdoor environment. A ‘green’ building, then, needs to provide a healthy indoor environment while doing nothing to harm the outdoor environment.
How to Build a "Green" Home
Steps to building your Home Green
Will you wake up with the Sunshine pouring into your windows? Consider the orientation of your new home with respect to the Sun to take advantage of solar technologies
Will all of your heat and cool air just escape your house or will you plan to keep it. The ideas of thermal mass and thermal inertia are well worth pursuing. At the very least a detailed analysis of the use of insulation that is appropriate to your geographic region should be included.
Consider the use of materials that are durable and sustainable.
Your home will be in better condition if you consider a well designed air intake and exhaust system as part of your HVAC system. A basic principle in "green" building is to build an air tight structure with energy efficient mechanical ventilation. Fireplaces are sources of air leaks instead use an air-tight woodstove with an outside air supply for efficiency.
Let the light in, we are no longer living in caves so the choice of windows should match the insulation application for your region. Utilize natural light as much as possible by locating windows to fill rooms with sunlight when appropriate.
The use of high-efficiency HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning)systems is a key to a "green" built home. This should include an analysis of the correct HVAC capacity for your home and design and layout of system components. HVAC systems must be air tight as well and should be sealed to maintain the efficiency of the system, including sealing all air handling ducts. Utilization of digital programmable thermostats is recommended.
Move the air around you by installing ceiling fans in large rooms.
Lighting packages should include energy efficient fixtures that could utilize motion sensors for auto on and off features according to room use. Closets are a great application for motion sensor light switches along with other rooms not used as often.
Have you ever walked into a room that had just been painted? The smell comes from out gassing of chemicals in the paint. The important part to remember is to specify paints and finishes that have low VOC (Volatile organic compound) emissions. Specification of low or no VOC emission materials especially for internal uses will help maintain and promote good indoor air quality. Suspect materials like carpet, paint and adhesives should be scrutinized for VOC emission.
Plant trees near buildings for shading and consider plants that require less watering. Where you place vegetation will greatly aide in water drainage as well. The use of pervious concrete can be specified for drive ways and side walks so promote water better water handling and drainage.
check the following link for more info.
Format in which the abstract is to be submitted in round 1
The abstract should consist of the following:
1. Mention the building code(s) chosen by you.
2. Brief analysis of current version of the building chosen,Specify the approximate area of the building.The contestants are supposed to analyse the various features of the building currently and mention their probable impacts (positive or negative) on the immediate environment around the building. If a positive impact of a certain feature is mentioned, then do mention the corresponding clause(s) of the building code(s) chosen by you which talk about that particular feature.
3. Suggestions to improve the construction of the building
Contestants can prepare a list of suggestions to suit the code better.
The suggestions may encompass various facets of green buildings including use of renewable sources of energy, waste management, use of eco friendly building materials, improve the natural lighting of rooms, proper positioning of solar panels and other equipment/gadgets used to harness maximum potential etc.
All suggestions must be well supported by appropriate clause(s) of the building code(s) chosen.
If a suggestion does not pertain to any of the clauses of the building code(s) chosen, then give proper justification as to why that suggestion must be considered so seriously.
If you have any query, please send an e-mail to [email protected], or get in touch with any one of us:
Kepin Kavathia
+91 9765995879