The evolution of science and technology stems from the need to solve the problems of the society. Bhagirath 4.0 during Quark 2014 will involve technocrats in the same pursuit!
Bhagirath - is an event aiming at inviting technological solutions to the current social problems. It is a belief that technology can be a panacea for several issues at hand .It is a marriage of technology and cause. Technology for social good was
a concept and Bhagirath planned to extend this to realityParticipants require knowledge of current technological developments in social sector and preferably have very non-conventional methods to attack the given problem statements.
There are two verticals in this event. A team can only participate in one of the verticals.
1. Water and sanitation
2. Pollution in Urban areas1. Health and sanitation in rural areas
The Case
A safe and sustainable water supply, basic sanitation and good hygiene are fundamental requirements for a healthy, productive and dignified life. And yet many of the world’s poor rural people lack access to an improved water supply (900 million) and improved sanitation facilities (2 billion).
According to a latest survey by the NSSO, Nearly 13 percent households in rural India don’t have access to improved source of drinking water and in some areas like Kerela, only 29.5 percent rural households have access to safe drinking water. Also, Nearly 62.3 percent of rural households lack proper sanitation facilities.
Poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene results in tremendous human and economic costs and rein forces gender and other societal inequalities, most notably for women and girls.
Chronic diarrheal diseases debilitate victims and, coupled with malnutrition, induce a negative spiral into poverty. The productive activities of poor rural people, such as schooling and farming, are severely restricted by ill health from water- and excreta-related disease, as well as by the time and energy spent fetching water.
Owing to its far reaching effects on 70% of our population, in the present scenario, rural water, sanitation, and hygiene is identified as a major issue that needs to be tackled and technology plays a key role in achieving this goal.
To employ technology for addressing the issue of rural hygiene, water and sanitation and provide better and feasible facilities in rural areas.
The Statement
Design an approach to utilize technology to provide better access to water and sanitation facilities in rural areas and to tackle various issues such as lack of safe drinking water, availability of sanitation facilities and awareness on hygiene.
Some of the aspects that can be considered are as follows:
- Devices that take in contaminated water and provide safe drinking water
- Portable toilets
- Water Harvesting
- Water supply continuity
However the participants are not restricted to the given problem areas, they are free to choose any aspect that they feel would help to improve rural sanitation and hygiene.
Please make sure that you go through the Rules and Regulations, Judging Criteria and Event Details to be clear on what YOU need to do.
2. Pollution in urban areas
Urbanization continues at a record pace all over the world, especially in emerging and developing economies. China has decided that the best way for the government to deliver
essential goods and services to rural people is to encourage them to move to existing and/or new cities and become urban dwellers. Cities are seen as destinations, especially for young people in search of employment, education, social contacts and cultural advantages. The future for the human race is in cities.We know that urban areas consume enormous quantities of materials and energy and release large quantities of wastes. Cities are the source of air, water and soil pollutants. Heat islands and CO2 domes, combined with particulates and ozone affect human health. Lack of park and green space disconnects urban residents from the natural world and may have adverse psychological effects.
Urbanization increases the variety and amount of pollutants carried into our nation’s waters. In urban and suburban areas, much of the land surface is covered by buildings, pavement and compacted landscapes with impaired drainage. These surfaces do not allow rain to soak into the ground which greatly increases the volume and velocity of storm water runoff.
In addition to these habitat-destroying impacts, pollutants from urban runoff include:
- Sediment
- Oil, grease and toxic chemicals from motor vehicles
- Pesticides and nutrients from lawns and gardens
- Viruses, bacteria and nutrients from pet waste and failing septic systems
- Heavy metals from roof shingles, motor vehicles and other sources
- Thermal pollution from dark impervious surfaces such as streets and rooftops
These pollutants can harm fish and wildlife populations, kill native vegetation, foul drinking water, and make recreational areas unsafe and unpleasant.
To employ technology for effective tackling the problem of pollution in urban areas and provide better facilities.
Use technology to solve problems pertaining to pollution in urban areas like particulates in air, runoff water, soil contamination etc.
You can work on any of these aspects
Topics List
- CO2 greenhouse gases and warming
- Air, water and soil pollutants
- Human health in the city
- Vegetation in the city
- Built environment and urban climate
However the participants are not restricted to the given problem areas, they are free to choose any aspect that they feel would help us to cope with pollution.
Please make sure that you go through the Rules and Regulations, Judging Criteria and Event Details to be clear on what YOU need to do.
Round 0: Aarohan
Participants are required to submit an online abstract at [email protected] for this round by.
Content of the mail:
- Team Name
- Institute Name (If any.)
- Team members’ names
- Team members’ contact numbers¬
- Team members’ registration numbers
- Team members’ email
- Choice of vertical
Abstracts should be 6-10 MS Power Point Slides(2003 or 2007 format), the first slide having the above details and the rest explaining your idea.
Font size should be no less than 12.
The suggested layout of the presentation is (but not restricted to): Your understanding of the problem, approach/methodology, technical analysis and planning.
Round 1 Aaveshan :
On the basis of submitted abstracts, teams from each vertical will be shortlisted. The teams will present their idea in Quark 2014.
The teams will have to undergo another round. They will receive a set of questions from the judges and other participants after the first round ends. They will have 3-4 hours to prepare the answers.
Round 2 Aarambh :
The teams will present the answers to the questions put by the judges. And there will be a discussion round where the teams and judges will interact. After considering the feasibility and implementations of the ideas, the results will be announced.
Eligibility Criteria: A group of thinkers! It’s an open event focusing on innovators, so everyone’s invited!
General Rules:
- A participant can represent only one team and cannot be a part of more than one team
- Participants need not necessarily be from an educational institution.
- A group can have members from several institutions.
- Any number of teams can participate from the same college
- Follow the given format of the abstract
- The presentation should not exceed 15- 20 minutes
Team Specifications:
Minimum : 1 members
Maximum : 4 members4.Judging Criteria
Judging Criteria :
- Maximum weightage will be given to the feasibility of the solution and how easily can it be implemented in the real world
- Credit will be given for originality and technical ingenuity
- The concept should be World Ready (Just a step away from real world implementation!)
- There will be industry leaders, social scientists and eminent professors judging the event and their decision will be final
If you have any query, please send an e-mail to [email protected], or get in touch with :
Event Manager
Shwetha Naphade |+91 8975169048
Deputy Event Managers
Bhavya Agarwal | +91 9561415877
Yash Gogia | +91 8975806305
Panel Head
K. Deepak Raj | +91 8149210864