The event is divided into 4 categories. Each category has a set of tasks that need to be completed. Completed tasks will be awarded points based on the team performance.
Tasks are further divided into levels. Level 1 is the easiest while level 3 the toughest.
Category 1
Participants may select one of the tasks given below and execute their tasks as per the rules mentioned below.
1. The Right to Information Act (RTI) is an Act of the Parliament of India “to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens”. But people are unaware that at the price of Rs.10, it provides the facility for Citizens to get information on the Government’s actions and decisions.So conduct a workshop on RTI in your college/community (Right to Information Act) {level 2}
2. Street theatre as a medium of communication has been deeply rooted in Indian tradition. The major advantage of street theatre is that it transcends all formal barriers and approaches the people directly. Street plays can happen in the most unexpected of places – the vegetable market, bus terminals or perhaps a street adjoining your workplace. So Perform a streetpaly on any problem that the community near you faces. {Level 3}
3. Surveys provide a high level of general capability in representing a large population.. So to examine the socioeconomic conditions in your society, Conduct a socioeconomic survey of a community near you. {Level 3}
4. Hey cancer? You don’t get to win!. Do you have the same feeling in you , so participate in a cancer awareness campaign {level1}
5. There are many beneficial schemes but people, especially those living in the back of beyond, are not aware of these and cannot avail of any benefits. A government scheme will not be successful unless people are benefited. So design an infographic depicting the impact of any Central/State govt. Scheme {level 1}
6. A few decades earlier, banking was available to classes only, but the government nationalized the banks for the first time on 19th July 1969,So that the lower strata may enjoy The benefits of banking as it minimized his botheration of safety and security of his valuables and money. Though much has been done, vast has to be done. The development of rural sectors is still awaiting for their upliftment. So Teach people from a slum the procedure to open bank accounts and to fill common bank forms. {Level 2}
7. Considering the current smoking trends , nearly 9% of the world’s population, will eventually die as a result of tobacco.Do you have ideas which can have an impact on more people, which could help them stop tobacco usage?So bring out the creative genius in you and make an anti-tobacco print advertisement. {Level 1}.
Category 2
Education: Education is not all about studying and getting good marks. It is really a means to discover new things which we don’t know about and increase our knowledge. We must realise the importance of education. We must aim to ensure that each citizen of our nation is educated and independent.So here is your chance to do your part, by coosing any of the following tasks.- Conduct a career counselling workshop for 15 kids(from a government school). {level 3}
- Donate 50 story/text books to underpriveleged kids {level 1}
- Conduct a quiz for based on GK/Scientists/Inventions for/in a government school near you {level 2}
- Prepare a 6-8 min video on any of the following topics explaining them thoroughly:{level 3}
- Fractions
- Integers
- Nouns and Pronouns
- Verbs and Adjectives
- Mensuration
- Place values
- Prime numbers
- Place value
- Bodmas etc (all the above topics could help TZ in some way. All these topics have been taught by TZ to the kids through worksheets. So if we get a few good videos, they can be used for revision)
- Apart from these you can also think of any other 5th Std concept.
5. Make slides that explains any of the above mentioned concepts.{level 1}
6. Collect unused papers/books from your college and donate it. {level 2}
7 .Take 50 slum kids on a tour of your college {level 1}
Category 3
Participants may select one of the tasks given below and execute their tasks as per the rules mentioned below
1.”Plant Hope. Plant a tree”. Do a tree plantation event on your campus {level 1}
2. The trash and pollution can degrade the area’s safety and its beauty. An easy way to connect with nature and help your community is by organizing a local cleanupdrive. Conduct a beach/park cleanup drive {level 2}
3. “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.”
― Benjamin Franklin Design and Implement a rain water harvesting system for your college/community{level 3}
4. Proper Waste Segregation is really important because it is one of the main factors of our Ecological and Environmental Problems. With the help of Proper Waste Segregation, our Mother Earth will be taken care of properly. So Launch a campaign in your college or community promoting waste segregation.{level 2}
5. “As children, small creatures endlessly fascinate us; as adults, we can protect them so as to inspire future children”. So research about an endangered species near your community and suggest measures to protect it. {level 1}
6. Pure water is a precondition for life and an ever-current issue that is increasing in importance for a growing number of people, particularly in a global perspective. So get drinking water from your locality/college tested for purity. {level 2}
7. The impact we have on the environment today is making a big difference on the world of future generations . So test the people on how much they know about their environment by conduct an environmental quiz in your college/school{level1}
Category 4
Participants may select one of the tasks given below and execute their tasks as per the rules mentioned below
1. If you’re a blood donor, you’re a hero to someone, somewhere, who received your gracious gift of life. The finest gesture one can do is to save lives by donating Blood.So Conduct a blood donation camp and save a life. {Level 2}
2. Nations throughout the world are seeking to improve the health of their citizens and make quality health care accessible and affordable. This is your chance to provide the medical facility by conducting a health camp and helping the needy . {Level 3}
3. Diseases usually affect people not only physically, but also emotionally, as contracting and living with many diseases can alter one’s perspective on life, and one’s personality. So do an awareness campaign about the major diseases in the community {level 2}
4. “Blood is meant to circulate. Pass it around”. Such quotes never fail to catch one’s attention So show your creative skills and design a poster on Blood donation{level 1}
5. Organized walks and marches are another good way of attracting attention. It is one of the best way spread awareness in communities. So do a health awareness rally in community/college {level 2}
6. More than two centuries have passed since the first successful vaccine for smallpox was developed. We’ve come a long way since. Today’s vaccines are among the 21st century’s most successful and cost-effective public health tools for preventing disease and death. So do your part conduct a vaccination camp in nearby school/college/community. {Level 2}
7. Both the government and Private Organisations are providing many medical facilities so prepare a report on the available medical facilities in your locality{level 1}
Completed events should be notified on the email provided to you with suitable photos, videos and statistics.
Photos and videos should contain a printout of the quark logo.
2) Rules
Teams from colleges all across the country are eligible to participate in this event. They will implement tasks over a wide range of categories and will be awarded points on the basis of their performance and submissions (proof of completion of a particular
Tasks execution can be carried out till the 1st of February.
Evaluations at every 15 days (Scoreboard)
Only one team from a can participate from one college. There is no restriction on number of team members. A single team representative will be in continuous contact with one of the members of the organization team.
Each task will have points associated to it and bonuses will be conferred on the basis of performance and enthusiasm towards a particular task.
Performance will be evaluated of a team in an activity will be evaluated on the basis of the online submissions in the form of documents, reports, photos, blogs and videos in accordance to the submission criteria declared for every activity.
Registration Procedure
A team of at least 5 must register their college for the event by emailing the team name, members and college to [email protected].