Paper Presentation contest held as part of Quark attracts some of the best minds from all over the country. Participants are invited to present papers spanning various research topics pertaining to the different branches of engineering and science.
General Rules:
Round 1:
- Online submission of synopsis.
- The synopsis must be formatted in IEEE ONE COLUMN FORMAT.
- The Synopsis must contain:
- Abstract
- Problem definition
- Solution of the problem defined
- Results and discussion
- Practical application
- Summary
- Last date of submission of synopsis is 24th January, 2014.
- Participants are required to send their submissions at [email protected] via email.
- Abstracts must be in pdf format only.
- The synopsis should not contain more than 5 pages.
- Text font should be Times New Roman, point size 12, single spacing and all headings of point size 14.
- Abstract must contain the participants names along with category code(mentioned in square brackets beside category).
- Maximum no. of team-mates is 3.
- Most important of all: Any form of plagiarism will lead to immediate disqualification.
Owing to overwhelming response and requests we have extended the final day for abstract submission to 26th January 2014 by 12:00 PM.
Those whose papers have been selected for the final round shall be informed by email within a day of the deadline.
Round 2:
- Teams selected on the basis of the first round will have to give their presentation in Quark 2014.
- Those who are selected for the final round are required to send us a mail at [email protected] by 7 days of declaration of the result. The mail should consist of the following things :
- Acknowledgement that you are aware of you being selected.
- Details of all the team members: Names, Departments, Phone numbers, College, etc. Please try to put them in a proper tabular format for our convenience.
- Image of travel ticket bearing above names.
- The final paper must be formatted in IEEE ONE COLUMN FORMAT.
- Please mail the final paper at [email protected] with your team id in the subject. Submitting full paper
is crucial to confirm your participation in final round . - For the final round the participants will have to give their presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Only picture clippings and graphs may be used.
- Recorded dialogues or movie clippings are not allowed.
- Computer for presentation will be provided by us.The teams will get 9 minutes to present their idea. They will then have 1 minute to wind up.
- This will be followed by a question and answer session by judges and/or students attending the ppt for 3 minutes duration. 15% marks will be deducted for every minute exceeded after 10 minutes.
- The decision of the judges and the organizers shall be final and binding.
Categories with suggested topics:
- Computer Science [CS]
- Artificial Intelligence
- Graph Theory
- Computational Complexity and Language
- Computer Science and Game Theory
- Cryptography and Security
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Discrete Mathematics
- Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
- Formal Languages and Automata Theory
- Computer Graphics
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Information Retrieval
- Multimedia
- Neural and Evolutionary Computing
- Operating Systems
- Compiler and Programming Languages
- Robotics
- Social and Information Networks
- Internet measurement and modelling
- Wireless networks
- Mesh, ad hoc and sensor networks
- Peer-to-peer, overlay and content distribution networks
- Online social networks
- Power and energy efficient architectures
- Processor,memory,interconnect,and storage architectures
- Chemical [CHE]
- Multi-phase Flow and Complex Fluids
- Polymer Science, Advance Materials and Membranes
- Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering
- Bio-fuels and Bioengineering
- Conventional and Non-Conventional Energy
- Process Control and Optimization
- Environmental Engineering and Interfacial Phenomena
- Thermodynamics, Molecular Simulation and Nano Sciences
- Chemometrics
- Inventory and Flow Control in Complex Process Networks
- Natural and Fabricated Nano-materials
- Sustainable Energy Systems
- Mass Transfer and Separations
- Nanoscale Science and Engineering
- Product and Process Systems Engineering
- Novel Reactors
- Manufacturing Science: Behaviour and Structure of Polymers and Ceramics
- Interfacial Science and Engineering
- Microscopic Analysis of Solids Handling
- Water resources and Management
- New Modelling Tools
- Lab on a Chip
- Electronics and Electrical [EEE]
- Soft Computing Techniques: Microprocessor and their application
- Robotics and Automation
- Fuzzy Control Techniques
- Green Power: Alternate Energy Sources
- Wireless Communication Techniques
- Embedded Systems Design
- VLSI design
- Power Systems Analysis
- Power Markets
- Power Electronics and Drives
- Mechanical [ME]
- Mechatronics
- Automobile Engineering and Design
- Computational Fluid Dynamics & Finite Element Analysis
- Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing
- Flexible Manufacturing Systems
- Microprocessor Based IC Engines/ Camless Engines
- Total Quality Management
- Genetic Algorithms in Machine Design
- Aerodynamics
- Plastic and Composite Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Technology Management
- Nano manufacturing
In case of any doubts please contact:
CS - Saransh Varshneya [email protected] +919561420416
CHE - Abhishek Patria [email protected] +9196373994974
EEE - Vamsi Kaja [email protected] +919767929331
ME - Tanay Choudhary [email protected] +919604436266