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Binary Pirates

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The race to the top . . . 

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Binary Pirates Final Round has started. For more details visit:


Ahoy there mate!

Put on your Hacking Hats, as it is time to distinguish the best from the rest.
QUARK 2010 brings you the ultimate online hacking event: Binary Pirates

So you think you have what it takes to be counted amongst the elite?

Get ready to put those hacking skills to the test. Go head to head against the best hackers from all over the country.

Rules for Binary Pirates:

1) There are NO RULES!

Thats right, this is the only rule for Binary Pirates.

Think outside the box, do whatever you must to capture the flag and race to the next level!
The event will test your understanding of networking principles and web technologies as well as your ability to bend them to suit your needs.

Basic web development experience and knowledge about common hacks will be an added advantage.

Event Format

Binary Pirates will be a fully online event and will commence from 1st February 2010. Every level will have a 'flag' which the participants will have to capture and submit to move on to the next level.

To capture the flag the you have to decrypt encrypted messages, hijack authenticated sessions, analyze cookies to gain administrator access, inject SQL strings to gain insight about the database structures, or use brute force to hack into password protected files etc.

The hacker to reach the top first will be the winner.

Event Execution

  1. Binary Pirates will be a fully online event. Eligible participants will need to register online prior to the commencement of the event.
  2. The participants will be faced with a problem in each level. They will need to retrieve a flag (which is a string) and submit the flag to proceed to the next level.
  3. The participants may use the internet (or any other source) extensively to gather whatever information they might need to crack the problem.


  • There will be only be one online round, which will start from 1st February, 2010 and will go on till 3rd February, 2010.
  • A sample online round will be put up on 25th January 2010. This round will not be evaluative, the only motive of this round is for the participants to get a general idea about the event format and get used to the web application used for the event.
  • The links for the rounds will be made available as and when the organizers see fit.

Sample Round

The sample round will be made online on 25th January 2010.

  • This round will consist of 5 questions only.
  • There will be no evaluation based on this round.

The purpose of this round is to familiarize the participants with the format of the event. Feedback on the web application used for the event is welcome.

Final Round

The final round will be made available online from 1st February 2010. This round will go on for 3 days and will end on 3rd February 2010.

Rules for Final Round:

  • Round will contain 40 problems with ranging difficulty
  • Only five problems will be made available to the participants at a time.
  • The participants will have to solve one of those five problems to unlock the next problem.
  • Hints for particular problems will be provided by the moderators in due course of time during the Final Online Round.

Judging Criteria

The teams will be evaluated based on the following criteria prioritized in that order:

  1. Time required for completion of the event.
  2. Number of problems solved.
  3. The number of advanced (latter) problem hacked.
  4. If it's a tie with respect to the above two criteria, participants will be ranked on the basis of who reached that level first.

Resources (Links & Tutorials)

The participants may want to check out the following links:

Team Specification

The event will support only single membered teams.


All students with a valid identity card of their respective educational institutes are eligible to participate in Binary Pirates in Quark 2010.

Certification Policy

The certification policy can be variable and would be in agreement with the general Certification Policy of all events as decided by the Quark Core Committee.

Special Note

  • The decision of the organizers shall be treated as final and binding on all.
  • The organizers reserve the rights to change any of the above rules as they see fit. Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered participants.

Event Managers

Suvrajyoti Chatterjee                                    Rohit Kalhans
[email protected]                              [email protected]
+91 9823151006                                          +91 9823694810

Programmers' InQ Panel Coordinator:

Shashank Todwal (Computer Science/ Information Systems Panel Coordinator)
[email protected]
+91 9881472930