Have you always wanted to be that Mad Scientist who threw a couple of Chemicals together and let the world go boooom? Did you spend your childhood like Dexter, running around surrounded by test-tubes and vibrant chemicals? Do you see what others don’t...? The chemistry that surrounds us all…?
You’re hungry, and you don’t think a moment before gulping down that totally delicious looking burger. That beautiful night during Diwali, when you wonder how it's possible to flash those intricate designs over the sky. A date with your special someone, when your hand automatically reaches out for that bottle of wine. Have you ever stared at a tree and wondered why leaves turn beautiful colors in autumn? Even when you’re sick you know what you’ve gotta do right? Gulp down that little tablet and it works like magic, doesn’t it? If all this fascinates you and makes you pause for a moment, Chemophilia is the event for you…It's time you put on your thinking caps and bring out the Chemist in you. It’s time you think out of the box and identify the Simple Chemistry you perform every day without even realizing it!
Prizes worth INR 12,000 to be won!
Round Descriptions :
The event comprises of 3 rounds:
Round 1:
A crossword will be given to each team, which needs to solved and submitted on-spot.
Round 2:
2.1: Videos will be screened followed by questions based on the content of the video.
2.2: A buzzer round. Expect basic questions on Chemistry!
Round 3:
A model building round! Each team gets certain apparatus, materials and a Chem-o-Model. The teams are expected to create the given model. The most practical and efficient one will be considered the best, obviously.
Team Specifications:
Minimum : 2 membersMaximum : 3 members
Judging Criteria
- 20 teams from Round 1 qualify for the next Rounds.
- Top 5 teams qualify for the Final Round.
Regarding any query, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or get in touch with any one of us:
Saswat Baruah
+91 7875524687
Nehal Bhatia
+91 9657274706