My Green Idea
Event Venue: Room A 601 Date: 4th February, 2012 Time: 10 AM
Please check the results in the 'RESOURCES' section!!
Round 2:
1. All teams have to prepare a presentation on there IDEA.
2. The presentation should explain the details of the IDEA and at the same time discuss its practicality, cost effectiveness and its effect on the environment.
3. Simulation of your model in any software , like PRO-E or AUTO-CAD will help you get more marks.( For example a 3-D model of your IDEA, or a computer a code that can explain the working of your model).
4. The event will take place in the morning so accordingly plan your travel.
For more info, send in queries at [email protected]
In the process of development, the issues confronting today are achieving desired development for economic or social reasons on one hand and safe guarding the environment and maintaining good quality living conditions on the other. While taking up developmental acivities, the assimilative capacities of the environmental components i.e., air, water and land to various pollution are rarely considered. Also, lack of proper land use control is resulting in poor land use compatibility. The developmental activities being haphazard and uncontrolled are leading to over use, congestion, incompatible land use and poor living conditions. The problems of environmental pollution are becoming complex and are creating high risk environment.
Here, you’re given an opportunity to think out of the box and to solve environment-related problems in an innovative way!
Prizes worth INR 30,000 TO BE WON!!!
Check out the details and rules sections for important information.
The event aims to obtain innovative, creative and sustainable solutions to problems under the following environment themes:
- Transport
- Pollution
- Water conservation
- Waste management
- Energy generation and conservation
Note: The following themes are just guidelines to help you. You are free to think like an unconventional thinker and come up with great innovations. So do not limit yourselves to these problem statements.
Introduction: Management of transport has become the most difficult job. With the increasing population the number vehicles on road has tremendously increased . Traffic management these days require a whole new perspective. Interesting and logical approach can help us build a more efficient and people friendly transportation system .
Problem Statement: Design an efficient traffic management system that can help the society or your campus. For example: An efficient parking system which allows maximum number of vehicles during the peak hour of traffic and is completely coordinated by machines. (just an idea).
Introduction: Pollution management has been the most challenging issues handled by man till date. Even though government has defined norms on the adequate emission of toxic gases , still pollution proves to be the most harmful element causing damage to the environment.
Problem statement: Come up with an idea which can reduce pollution to bare minimum and does not prove to be harmful for the environment. For example: Pollution checking devices installed at check posts which can automatically detect pollution emission . Similar to speed detection cameras.
Water conservation
Water is essential to life on earth. We need water to grow food, keep clean, provide power, control fire, and last but not least, we need it to stay alive!
If water is constantly being cleaned and recycled through the earth’s water cycle, why do we need to conserve it? The answer is that people use up our planet’s fresh water faster than it can naturally be replenished.
- Less than 1% of the world’s fresh water (or about 0.007% of all water on earth) is readily accessible for direct human use.
- More than 80% of sewage in developing countries is discharged untreated, polluting rivers, lakes and coastal areas.
- The UN estimates that by 2025, forty-eight nations, with combined population of 2.8 billion, will face freshwater “stress” or “scarcity”.
- Agriculture is the largest consumer of freshwater by far: about 70% of all freshwater withdrawals go to irrigated agriculture.
Problem Statement: Design and develop solutions which help in water conservation. For example: Save and store the water coming out from the Air Conditioner installed in your home and use it for watering plants.
Solid Waste management
Introduction: Solid waste management is one of the most challenging issues in Indian cities, which are facing a serious pollution problem due to the generation of huge quantities of solid waste. The country has over 5,000 cities and towns, which generate about 40 million tonnes of Municipal Solid Waste per year.
Problem Statement: Design sustainable solutions for managing the solid waste generated in huge amounts.
Energy Conservation and Generation
Introduction: With energy crisis at peak levels, conserving the energy produced by improving the design of the present day electrical/ mechanical equipment’s is also necessary to ensure the efficient use of the resources. Also the thought of resources like coal, solar cells etc. being the only energy sources is just going to be proven wrong. Energy can also be generated from
Problem Statement: Teams are required to come up with innovative and efficient solutions which aid in improving the energy efficiency of electrical equipment’s.
For Abstract Round :
The event aims to obtain innovative, creative and sustainable solutions to problems under the following environment themes:
1) Transport
2) Pollution
3) Water conservation
4) Waste management
5) Energy generation and conservation
The abstract should be mailed to with the subject "My Green Idea Team No. xxxx " (For ex. My Green Idea 1243) before 23:59 hrs on 15th January, 2012. The following points must be included and clearly highlighted in the abstract:
1. Description of the Problem being addressed
2. Idea:
a. Concept
b. Innovation involved.
3. Impact: How your idea holds the potential to revolutionise the current day scenario?
4. Any other relevant or solution specific information
The abstract must be submitted in PDF format only and should not exceed 5 pages in length.
Your plan has to be realistic and practical. If the plan is different and requires technical explanation, then your team should give a proper description .For example: If you design a device that records smoke emission from vehicle, then the technical logic and design behind it needs to be explained .
For Final Round on campus:
- Selected teams need to present their idea to a panel of judges on campus.
- Use virtual models, MATLAB Simulations, CAD/PRO E diagrams to support your plan.
Team Specifications:
Minimum : 1 membersMaximum : 4 members
Judging Criteria
For the abstract :
- The idea should be original.
- A brief discription of your idea with a concept picture related to the idea will fetch you more marks.
- Practicality of the idea is important.
Main Event Judge-Mr. Sujeetkumar M. Dongre
The following teams have been selected for the 2nd round of MY GREEN IDEA:
1. TEAM ID- 1447
2.TEAM ID-844
3.TEAM ID-1802
4.TEAM ID-1707
5.TEAM ID- 811
6.Rakesh Biswas( Team ID not mentioned)
7.TEAM ID-1750
8.TEAM ID- 2179
9.TEAM ID-1611
10.TEAM ID-2059
11.Vaithi Guru
12.Khaja Zubair Ahmed( Team Id Not mentioned)
13.TEAM ID- 1465
14-Shetanshu Dikshit
If you have any query, please send an e-mail to [email protected], or get in touch with any one of us:
Sumit Verma
+91 8975178764
Challa Rahul Reddy
+91 9420921750