Ever lost in a coding lecture wondering how complicated arrays, linked lists, recursion concepts make the world simpler?
Well, it happens! If your zeal drives you to see the purpose of what you code, then this is the right place!!
CODEQUEST gives you an insight into the applicability of the concepts that are learnt. It tests your ability to see through the problem and efficiently apply the concepts.
We invite all the enthusiasts to participate in this fun-filled event. Compete with the best programmers of the nation and get to know the depth of your understanding of coding!!
Round 1 starts! Some important points to be noted before attempting and submitting the answers
- Please read the rules and judging criteria thoroughly before attempting the questions .
- Each question carries 10 marks.
- In case of eligibility (according to criteria mentioned on site), bonus questions will be mailed to you.
- All the Questions must be answered in C-language only.
Please note down the following points while mailing the solutions.
- The subject of the email when you submit your solution should be "CODEQUEST_SET1_SOLUTION".
- The file name of your solution should be "YourName_YourQuarkID_set1" for example shruthi_Q114567_set1.
- Mention your name, quark id, team id and college name in the mail.
PRIZES WORTH INR 12,000 to be won....!!!!!
SEND YOUR SOLUTIONS TO [email protected] BY 25th JAN,2012 , 11:59 pm...!!
SEND YOUR SOLUTIONS TO [email protected] BY 21st JAN,2012 , 11:59 pm...!!
NOTE: Those who couldn't participate in ROUND1 - SET1 can participate in ROUND1 - SET2.
The Event consists of 2 rounds:
This is an online round (off-campus) which tests the application of basic programming skills of the participant in solving the real life problems
A set of 10 questions will be given in this round
Participants who solve at least 8 questions correctly and submit within first 2 days will be given 2 bonus questions which can be submitted by the deadline of the round1. The score for the bonus questions will be added to the final score.
Participants who are selected in round1 will proceed to round2. This is an on-campus round which is divided into 2 phases:
Phase-1: The participant will be given a question to code on practical applicability. The complexity level of the question given in this round will be much higher than round1.Participants who are able to solve for atleast one test-case correctly will proceed to phase-2.
Phase-2: Each participant is randomly given the code of other participant solved in phase-1.Now the participant’s job is to find the ‘loop-holes’ in the code given to him.
Rules and regulations for the 2 rounds are as follows:
- Group Submissions are not allowed. The submission should be done individually.
- The answers to a set have to be mailed within the same week as release of problem statements.
- Once the solutions are submitted by the participant they are considered to be the final and no further submissions are allowed.
- The participants who get the bonus questions cannot change their solutions for the previously submitted 10 questions.
- Participants cannot use user defined header files in their code.
- 2 sets of questions will be released in an interval of 10 days. Participants who already submitted set1 cannot submit set2. The participants who attempted but didn’t get selected in set1 can’t attempt set2
- Codes will be evaluated in either GCC or TURBO C compiler.
- Only individual participation is allowed
- Participants who proceed to Phase-2 are given 45 minutes to analyze other participant’s code which is given randomly.
- Compiler is not given to the participant in Phase-2
- Let us suppose participants “p1”,” p2”,”p3” proceed to phase-2. For case of simplicity assume yourself as “p2”.If you get the code of “p1” , at the end of 45 minutes let’s say u proposed 4 testcases where “p1” code fails, out of which only for 3 testcases “p1” code actually fails .You get +10 marks and “p1” gets -10 marks for EACH of those 3 test-cases for which you correctly proved that “p1” code fails. For the remaining 1 test-case which you wrongly proposed you’ll be given -10 marks and “p1” will be given +10 marks.So now your net score will be (3*10) + (-10)=20 and "p1" net score will be (3*-10) + (+10)=-20
- Let’s say that “p3” gets your code(you are "p2") and at the end of 45 min, he doesn’t propose any testcases for which your code fails. Then “p3” is given 0 marks.No marks are deducted or added for you in this case.
- Compiler will be up only during the evaluation of these testcases by the judge.
- Marks obtained in Phase-2 are added to the participant’s “x marks” (“x marks” is the score of the participant after phase-1). Let’s say this sum is “fmarks”. The one who gets the maximum “fmarks” will be the winner. In case of a tie, judge’s decision based on participant’s code will be final.
Team Specifications:
Minimum : 1 membersMaximum : 1 members
Judging Criteria
ABSOLUTE SCORE for a problem is calculated as
Absolute score = 5000/(5*S + 3*C + 8*K + 4*O)
S = number of semicolon
C= number of non-whitespace characters
K = number of keywords
O = number of commas
RELATIVE SCORE is calculated as
Relative score = (Absolute score * problem score)/ Highest absolute score for problem
TOTAL SCORE is sum of Absolute score and Relative score
Participants are ranked according to TOTAL SCORE
Participants who are selected in round1 will be proceed to round2
This is an on-campus round which is divided into 2 phases:
Phase-1:The participant will be given a question to code on practical applicability.The complexity level of the question given in this round is much higher than round1.Participants who are able to solve for atleast one testcase correctly will proceed to phase-2.
Phase-2: Each participant is randomly given the code of other participant solved in the participant’s job is to find the loop-holes in the code given to him
NOTE:Loop-holes mean either test cases for which the code fails or any logical error in the program.
- Let Us C – Yashavant Kanetkar
- ANSI C – E. Balaguruswamy
- C programming – Dennis Ritchie
If you have any query, please send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]
Get in touch with any one of us:
Shruthi Srinivas Showrya Reddy
+91 9158787928 +91 9637423511