As the apocalyptic events of the post 2011 era unfold, the indian ocean is struck by a series of meteorites making a tsunami eminent.
Only you stand between the last of the stranded sunbathing hippie survivors holed up on the island of St. Jacinto and their doom.
Using an autonomous tag team of a scout plane and land based guidance vehicle, identify the tallest coconut trees on the island and guide the survivors to them.
Climbing them is their only hope of survival.
Can you save the last hippie standing or will they go the way of the dinosaurs ?
Cash prizes worth 20K + goodies to be won.
Make a computer controlled bot which can determine the height of cylinders using image pairs from overhead cameras, and then visit the cylinders in descending order of height.
First round:
1. There will be two cylinders with top surfaces Red and Blue respectively.
2. The bot has to 'visit' the taller cylinder.
3. All bots that are able to 'visit' the tallest cylinder in the stipulated time will qualify fo the next round.
Second round:
1. This round consists of 3 runs per team, with three different cylinder configurations. The cumulative score at the end of the 3 runs will be considered for evaluation.
2. There will be 3 cylinders with top surfaces Red, Blue and Yellow respectively.
3. The bot has to 'visit' the cylinders in decreasing order of height.
For the definition of 'visit' see Rules.
1. The arena dimensions are 1.80 m x 1.20m.
2. The arena will have a black border of thickness 0.05m
3. The remaining part of the arena other than the border will be of green color.
4. The cylinders will be placed such that, in the captured images from both the cameras, they appear within the black borders of the
5. Teams must come to the tournament prepared to calibrate their robots based on the lighting conditions at the venue. Every effort
will be made by organisers to place the arena(s)in a way that the influence by external light is as low as possible.
1. There will be two cameras kept about the centre of the arena and parallel to the longer edge of the arena. For further details check the
arena model image.
2. The distance between the cameras will be 0.40 m.
3. The cameras will be model “iBall c8.0”.
4. Both cameras will be alligned such that the longer edge of the arena will be seen horizontal in the cameras.
1. Each team is allowed to have a maximum of one bot on the arena at any given time.
2. The bot must fit into a cube of 0.25 m x 0.20 m x 0.20 ( l x b x h) at all times. It may not expand at any point during it's run beyond
these dimensions, Violating this clause would lead to immediate disqualification.
3. The max potential difference between any two points on the bot should not exceed 24 V. The power supply may or may not be
4. The bot must be fully independent, with powering and motoring mechanisms self contained. However, it can communicate only with
the computer using wired/wireless data transfer.
5. The robotic equipment is to be fully autonomous. Human operators are not permitted to enter any information into the equipment
during a run. The human operator should not directly control the motion of their robots with a joystick or by keyboard commands
under any circumstances.
6. It will be the participant's responsibility if there is any data misinterpretation of the arena image taken by the overhead camera
due to obstruction by the body of the bot.
7. The bot cannot be constructed using ready made Lego kits or any ready made mechanism. But you can make use of ready made gear
assemblies and ready made wireless modules. Violating this clause will lead to the disqualification of the machine.
8. All the bots have to work on the principle of image processing. Any sort of ambiguity will lead to immediate disqualification. In case of
doubt please confirm with the organisers about the validity of your procedure beforehand, via email.
9. The bots are only allowed to use the overhead cameras that will be placed by the organisers, as specified.
1.While starting the bot will be placed by the organiser anywhere in the arena such that the entire bot is in the green part of the arena.
2.After the bot has been placed, the cylinders will be placed by the organisers(two for 1st round and three for 2nd round).
3.The maximum time for the run will be 4 min for both the rounds.
4.The timer will start on announcement by the organiser(s).
5.The bot will be considered to 'visit' a cylinder when all of the following are fullfilled:Any part of the bot is within 10cm from any part of the visited cylinder.
- The bot has acknowledged the visit by making an LED glow for at least 2 sec.
- The LED that will be glown has to be informed to the organisers beforehand.
6.In case the bot is within 10cm of two cylinders then the cylinder nearest to any part of the bot will be considered as
the visited cylinder.
7. Participants have to ensure the wires connected to the bot if any, do not move the cylinders in any way.
8. In no case, during a run, is the bot or the participating team allowed to cross the arena boundary, or disturb the
arena set up in any way, which includes moving the cylinders.
9. In case of a violation of any of the rules during the run by the participating team or their bot, the team will be asked
to restart the run and the round score reset to zero, contrained to
- A Maximum of 2 Restarts(3 Runs),
- And a Round Score Penalty equal to the sum of the time taken in the previous runs of the given round.
i.e If the bot in the 1st run of the round topples a cylinder over after 30secs:
A: The teams round score will be set to zero,
B: A 30 point penalty will imposed on them and
C: The team will be asked to restart their run from the beginning.
All students with a valid identity card of their respective educational institutes are eligible to participate
Isometric View :
Top View :
Team Specifications:
Minimum : 1 membersMaximum : 4 members
Judging Criteria
Run Score = 240 - T(Total Time of All Runs in the Round (in Seconds))
+250(If the 1st cylinder 'visited' is the tallest one)
+300(2nd tallest tree 'visited' in the correct order)
+350(3rd tallest tree 'visited' in the correct order)
+ 50*Total number of cylinders 'visited' in the run;
In case of a tie in the 2nd round, another run will be conducted to determine the winner.
NOTE: Participants are requested to submit TEAM DESCRIPTION PAPER (TDP) at the earliest. Submission of the Team Description Paper is compulsory for all those seeking accomodation with us.The last date for the submission of TDP has been extended till 27th January 2012. Please download this word file.
For more details/queries mail at [email protected] or contact :
Albert Davies
+91 9833780023
Debanjum Singh Solanky
+91 8888312783