As someone said long time back “If you can see your tomorrow today, you can definitely change it too.”
Quark brings to you ultimate robotics events offering the perfect blend of entertainment and technology. So, go ahead, and prepare for the ultimate showdown in design as you simulate a daunting wrestling match, or instead, be the creator of a cyborg that can rescue the last of the human species. Huge crowds, handsome rewards, and primarily – innovation at its supreme: This is your chance to make the future happen, now.
With the advancement of the science and technology, modern warfare has taken a new turn. The army of the opposition has
conquered a nearby island and successfully set up their base camp there. They are planning to attack the mainland within a
short period of time. Air support is helpless as they have held a huge number of hostages. The only way to reach there is via
underwater. But the path is not that easy as they have placed underwater mines. Our country is working hard to build an
amphibious vehicle that can carry a rescue team to the core of the island by travelling through both land and underwater ;
destroying the mines placed underwater. To help our country in facing the situation, we invite you to build a prototype of
the amphibious vehicle that can carry out the specified work.
NOTE: Participants are requested to submit TEAM DESCRIPTION PAPER (TDP) at the earliest. Submission of the Team Description Paper is compulsory for all those seeking accomodation with us.The last date for the submission of TDP is 20th January 2012. Please download the below pdf.
Raiders of The Lost Ark
It is the year 1936, and you are hired by the US government, to retrieve the “Ark of the Covenant” which is believed to still hold the ten commandments. Unfortunately, agents of Hitler are also after the Ark, and the onus is on you, to retrieve the Ark and return it safely. If the Nazis acquire it, their armies will be invincible and that would mean disaster. With the Nazis on your trail, time is running out and the perils of the journey are ever increasing. Now only you stand between the Nazis and their quest for invincibility.
Prizes worth 18,000 Rs + goodies to be won
The year : 2025
Goa is now the drug capital of the world!!!
Drug cartels fight over territory,control,over movement of drugs and supply to others cartels.These being just a few of the many reasons that they fight each other.
They settle all disputes with raw carnage,but their battles are fought using robots (bots),not humans.
You are one such newly emerging cartel in the Goa.
Come and fight to win territorial and distribution rights over the largest drug cartel/gang territory in Goa in a winner takes all,high stakes Kombat of your life.
Prize Money :
MORE THAN 50,000 Rs + GOODIES to be won ......
The Prize Money has been increased ......Now one more reason for you to get excited .....
Incase you have sent us your TDP and havent got a reply so far please remail us your TDP and do contact the Event Managers. Send in your mail to
Also in case you have uploaded travel proof and haven't recieved any mail confirming or denying accommodation contact the accommodation dept.
In case you havent uploaded travel proof as of yet , then do contact the accommodation dept as soon as possible regarding possibility of accommdating your team (in case no of members is 2 or lesser) or getting alternate accommodation nearby to our campus.
As the apocalyptic events of the post 2011 era unfold, the indian ocean is struck by a series of meteorites making a tsunami eminent.
Only you stand between the last of the stranded sunbathing hippie survivors holed up on the island of St. Jacinto and their doom.
Using an autonomous tag team of a scout plane and land based guidance vehicle, identify the tallest coconut trees on the island and guide the survivors to them.
Climbing them is their only hope of survival.
Can you save the last hippie standing or will they go the way of the dinosaurs ?
Cash prizes worth 20K + goodies to be won.